Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First few days of school

So, everyone has their own ideas and keys for the success for the school year. I think we all know that we need to be specific and consistent especially the first few days of school in order to have a good rest of the year. Well, I have been to many trainings and been thinking more lately as to what the MOST important things are to do and not do the first few days/weeks of school. I am trying to prepare and compile my thoughts. Does anyone have any ideas of recommendations?


  1. In the past, our program has hosted something we call “BOND with UB”
    We hold this mingling event before the start of the school year. It is an informal event; we distribute our program calendar, contact information, and program objectives. We also display possible projects as well as past projects. It is held at our students’ respective campuses. We invite students and their parents, teachers, and administrators to visit our assigned classroom and have a sign up list for a “College Preparation Planning” session with students and their parents (which we administer 1 month into the school year.) Cookies and punch is a small investment that we make for a lot of great bonding.

  2. That is a great idea! I will be mentioning something similar to this to our campus. Thanks for the great idea!
